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Protect your home

Useful resources to help you prepare for flooding in your home

Preparing a plan for your home gives you time to think about what you would do if your home flooded, what you would need, who you would need to contact and where to find their contact numbers.


Time spent on it now may reduce the financial, emotional and physical impact any potential flood may have on you, your family or your property in the future.

Is your property flood resilient?


Suggestions to help make your property flood resilient


One in six properties is at risk. Don’t wait for a flood event. Improve your property’s resilience to flooding as soon as you can.

  • Shelving and electricals

    • Put irreplaceable or valuable items on high-mounted shelves

    • Raise electrical wiring and sockets to 1.5 metres above floor level

  • Kitchen and bathroom

    • Use water-resistant materials such as stainless steel, plastic or solid wood

    • Fit non-return valves to drains and water inlet and outlet pipes

  • Doors and windows

    • Buy specially made flood doors or purpose-build flood boards

    • Install synthetic or waxed windows and doors, or varnish

  •  Walls and floors

    • Buy specially designed airbrick covers that are easy to place over ventilation bricks

    • Lay tiles with rugs rather than fitted carpets, which often need to be replaced after a flood


Note: Quality-check any equipment you purchase using the Blue Pages directory on the National Flood Forum’s website - flood products should also display the BSI Kitemark or equivalent accreditation.

Are you prepared for flooding? Personal checklist


Know if you’re at risk

  • Do you know if you're at risk of flooding?

  • Are flood warnings available in your area?

  • Do you know how you can receive flood warnings?

  • Do you know what the flood warning codes mean?


Preparing a flood plan

  • Do you know how you will respond to a flood?

  • Do you have a list of useful numbers including Floodline, local authority, and your insurance company?

  • Do you know how to shut off your gas/electric/water supplies?

  • Are your personal and valuable items stored above flood level?

  • If you have pets, have you checked if you can take them to evacuation centres?

  • Can you call someone to help you in the event of a flood?



  • Do you know which roads will stay open in your area during a flood?

  • Have you identified where you can shelter in the event of a flood?

Protecting your property

  • Have you installed flood protection products?

  • Do you have a stockpile of useful materials including plastic sheeting, unfilled sandbags, wood, and a saw?

  • Have you installed non-return valves in your toilets and drains?

  • Do you have high ground where you can park your cars?

  • Are your electrical sockets above flood level?

Flood insurance

  • Do you have sufficient insurance cover in the event of a flood situation?

  • Do you know what information your insurer will require to support a claim?

  • Do you know if your policy replaces old for new or if it has a limit on repairs?

Prepare a flood kit

  • Have you got copies of your insurance documents?

  • Do you have a torch and spare batteries, warm waterproof clothing and blankets, first aid kit and medication?

  • Do you have bottled water and food, baby care items?

What to do before, during and after flooding


  • Create a Personal Flood Plan

  • Move valuables to higher ground

  • Know the Flood Warning Codes

  • Get a flood kit together and keep it handy



  • Stick together

  • Help vulnerable residents if you can

  • Avoid walking or driving through flood water

  • Protect what you can…

  • … but evacuate when told


  • Contact your insurance company

  • Only throw things away when told to

  • Record all damage

  • Clean your property using ordinary cleaning products

Groundwater flooding guidance

Additional practical advice to help you reduce the impact of flooding from groundwater can be found on the website: Flooding from groundwater - GOV.UK (


Groundwater flooding


Download as a PDF by clicking on the image

Groundwater flooding checklist image.PNG



Personal flood plan


A template for you to download and create your own household flood plan (PDF opens in a new window)

Image of a personal flood plan

Are you prepared for flooding? Personal checklist

Image of Are you prepared for flooding checklist

What to do before, during and after a flood

Practical advice on what to do to protect yourself and your property (PDF opens in new window)

front page What to do flooding guidance booklet

Useful websites

The National Flood Forum is a charity that provides independent advice on household flood protection products that can be fitted to your home. They can provide information on capital costs, fitting costs, and maintenance requirements. Products are listed in their blue pages guide.   


Their website also provides a quick online survey to give a general guide to what products your property could benefit from and approximate costs.   


Videos of some typical products in action can be seen in the links below:

  • Single flood door

  • Double flood door

  • Flood gate


FloodRe is a not-for-profit organisation owned and operated by the insurance industry. It is part-funded by the Government and part-funded by the insurance industry and it aims to provide affordable insurance for flooded properties.

Flooded road with sandbags AdobeStock_169465415
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Enquiries to the Kent Resilience Team hosted at: 

Kent Fire and Rescue Service HQ

Straw Mill Hill

Tovil, Maidstone ME15 6XB


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