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Make a household plan

It'll only take a few minutes, but could be a lifesaver. 

It is difficult to predict what type of emergency you could face, but whatever happens could disrupt your life and leave you isolated from immediate help.

A household emergency plan can help you deal quickly and effectively with a stressful situation. Get your whole family involved in writing the plan so they’re prepared too. To compose your plan, ask yourselves a list of key questions and record the answers.

Here’s an example of what your plan could cover:

  • Where will we meet if we can’t get into, or stay in, our home?

  • Who’ll collect the children from school if we can’t get there?

  • Which neighbours should we check on?

  • How do we turn off the gas, water and electricity?

  • Who can we stay with if we’re evacuated?

  • Who can be an ‘Emergency Friend’, ready to collect medicine and supplies and act for us if we can’t get out?

  • What essential items should we have ready in an emergency ‘grab bag’?

  • Who’ll look after our pets if we can’t?

  • Do we know how to tune to local radio stations?

  • What items would we not want to lose? e.g Documents including insurance, birth and marriage certificates or passports.

  • Photographs.

  • Furniture.

  • A favourite toy or baby blanket.

  • How can we protect these items?

  • Keeping copies of documents with friends?

  • Moving things upstairs?

  • Storing items in waterproof or fireproof containers?

Remember - no item of property is worth risking your life for.

Your household plan

Print out this household emergency plan and take the time to fill it in. 

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Enquiries to the Kent Resilience Team hosted at: 

Kent Fire and Rescue Service HQ

Straw Mill Hill

Tovil, Maidstone ME15 6XB


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