Loss of water supply
Be prepared
When safe drinking water is unavailable, it’s more than an inconvenience – it’s a health hazard.
Make sure you have an emergency water supply.
If you can’t get out to collect water make sure you have an emergency friend who can do it for you.
If your community has lost water for an extended period your supplier has an obligation to provide alternative sources.
Contact your supplier’s emergency line for more information:
Affinity Water
SES Water
Call 01737 772000
South East Water
Call 0330 3030365
Southern Water
Call 0330 3030368
Thames Water
Call 0800 316 9800
Free priority services register for vulnerable residents
Sometimes you, or someone you know, may need a bit of additional assistance, especially in the event of a water shortage. Water companies offer a range of free priority services to help.
Get extra support when it is needed most by signing your water company's free priority services register.
Who can receive extra support?
If you rely on medical equipment
If you have refrigerated medicines
If you have a serious or chronic illness
If you have a disability
If you or someone you care for is living with dementia
If you are of pensionable age
If you have children under five in your household
If you need extra support for a short time period (e.g. If you are recovering from medical treatment
Watch this video to find out about the free support available.
For further information and to sign up to a priority services register visit your water company's website