Prepare a community flood plan
Getting involved in writing a community flood plan, and helping to implement it during a flood, will help save lives and minimise the damage and distress flooding can cause.
A community flood plan sets out:
The locations at risk of flooding in your community
Actions to be taken before, during and after a flood
Contact details of volunteers/ flood wardens and the cascade of information during a flood
What your local triggers to activate your plan are
Important telephone numbers
Available resources
Arrangements with the authorities
Vulnerable residents/properties.
It’s also important to understand the role that each responding organisation plays during a flood and therefore who you need to make contact with before, during and after.
As part of your plan you may wish to identify certain skills or equipment that residents have that may be of use to your community.
Or you may wish to identify a group of volunteers that can help communicate between the plan coordinators and local residents. The link below leads to a letter template that can be adapted to suit your needs.
Flood plan resources
Developing your flood plan
Download a community flood plan template
Think about planning for other risks too
Communities are encouraged to consider completing community resilience plans to ensure you are considering other risks, as well as flooding, that could impact your community. Visit our community resilience pages to find out more and to access our community resilience templates. If you create a community resilience plan it can include a flood plan section.