Heavy Snow and Extreme Cold Weather
Be Prepared
Make sure you’ve got enough insulation around your water tanks(s), loft and external water pipes.
Check you have de-icer, salt/grit and the necessary tools to keep your home safe and clear of snow.
Keep your heating to the right temperature e.g. 18°C/65°F bedroom and 21°C/70°F dayroom.
To keep up to date with the latest forecast and for information about cold weather, alerts visit metoffice.gov.uk.
When cold weather happens
Walking outdoors
Wear several layers to avoid losing heat.
Cover your head.
Keep moving your arms and legs to help the blood circulate.
Wear practical footwear that’s warm and has a good grip.
Consider using a walking stick to help your balance.
Consider whether you really need to make the journey.
If snow or ice is forecast, make sure you and your car are fully prepared for the trip:
Take warm clothes, food, water, fully charged mobile phone, torch, spade and possibly a reflective jacket.
Tell somebody when you expect to arrive and the route you plan to take.
Make sure there’s enough screen wash in the vehicle and carry some spare for top-ups.
Try to wait for the roads to be treated/gritted before setting off (remember, not all roads will be treated).
In and around your home
Keep the paths around property clear of snow by using salt or grit.
Knockdown any icicles to prevent them from falling on passers-by.
Consider getting together with neighbours to clear footpaths and community areas.
Check for health advice and information by visiting the NH website at www.nhs.uk
Check on elderly and vulnerable neighbours to make sure that they are OK.
Check the Highway Code for advice on driving on ice and snow
The main points are:
Slow down and allow extra room – it can take 10 times as long to stop in these conditions.
If you start to skid, ease gently off the accelerator and avoid braking.
If braking is necessary to pump the brakes, don’t slam them on.
If you get stuck, stay with your car and tie something brightly coloured to the aerial.