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Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Latest government advice


COVID-19 remains a risk

It is still possible to catch and spread COVID-19, even if you are fully vaccinated.

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test result should stay at home and self-isolate immediately. 

COVID-19 will be a feature of our lives for the foreseeable future, so we need to learn to live with it and manage the risk to ourselves and others.

All of us can play our part by understanding the situations where risks of COVID-19 infection and transmission are likely to be higher, and taking action to reduce these risks.

Visit the website to find out how to stay safe and help prevent the spread

Following this guidance will help you to understand situations where there is a greater risk of catching or spreading COVID-19 and the steps that you can take to stay safe and protect others. Every action you can take to help reduce the spread will help reduce pressure on the NHS.

What has changed

  • The government is no longer asking people to work from home if they can. People should now talk to their employers to agree arrangements to return to the office.

  • Face coverings are no longer advised for staff and pupils in secondary school and college classrooms.

  • Face coverings are no longer advised for staff and pupils in communal areas of secondary schools, nor for staff in communal areas of primaries.

  • There is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering. The government suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet.

  • Venues and events are no longer required by law to check visitors’ NHS COVID Pass. The NHS COVID Pass can still be used on a voluntary basis.

Covid-19 coronavirus information

For the latest health advice visit the: 


NHS coronvirus webpage

For the latest government updates and guidance about  coronavirus go to:

Financial support and advice

The coronavirus outbreak has affected different people in different ways. If you have seen a reduction in your household income and are experiencing financial difficulties there is support available for you:



These links take you to support and advice on looking after your health and wellbeing while staying at home:

Kent County Council wellbeing and mental health hub


NHS Every Mind Matters

NHS Live Well strength and flex exercise plan

Updates on local services


Visit your local authority website for guidance and updates about changes to local services:

Kent County Council website or Medway Council website

Find your local borough or district council website here.

Getting help and volunteering

Support for voluntary groups and individuals is being offered by district and borough councils across Kent communities by visiting our community support page

Information about Coronavirus related scams


Information and guidance about coronavirus related scams can be found on Kent County Council's Public protection dedicated web page, This is updated regularly as new scams emerge.


Keep up to date with the latest advice by following their social media channels:

Public Protection Information for residents:


Public Protection Business advice and guidance:

KMRF colour.png

Enquiries to the Kent Resilience Team hosted at: 

Kent Fire and Rescue Service HQ

Straw Mill Hill

Tovil, Maidstone ME15 6XB


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