Check your flood risk
One in ten properties are at risk of flooding
There are over 60,000 properties in Kent and Medway that are at risk of river and coastal flooding.
In addition, there are 20,000 properties at risk of surface water flooding. Groundwater flooding also poses a risk to many others.
Is yours one of them?
The average cost of flood damage to a home is £30,000.
You could be out of your home for an average of 5 months.
The average cost of flooding to a business is £82,000
Check your property's risk:
Sign up to the free flood warning service
Receive advance flood warning messages by phone, text or email and give yourself the time to protect the things you treasure - your family, your possessions, your memories.
You can also register to receive warnings for multiple properties, e.g. your home plus an elderly relative's home or, if you are a flood warden, parts of your community for which you are responsible but may not necessarily live yourself.
Sign up for flood warning by visiting:

Floodline is a dedicated phone information service you can call to receive the latest information for your area during a flood.
Call: 0345 988 1188
You can also call Floodline to register for flood warnings.